Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back to Syd

Hey- nearly one month since my last post! Was back home during the university winter vacation for about 3 week to approximately a month. Not that i did much when i when back but the aim of my return for the winter was to accompany my granny, which i much say i did it quite well. Stayed with her for about 2.5week and the other 0.5week was spend with mum as well as doing other relevant stuff.

Hmm.... i did manage to catch up with some friends back home though i missed out on others due to schedule and other reasons. Crystal & Doreen was among those VIP people i should be catching up but failed to. I will make it up on my next trip back; hopefully then it will be both of your vacation.

Did have some pictures taken during my trip home and have posted it up on facebook. It is kinda hard to post pictures here due to the size of the folder so those of you who are interested in having a look at the pictures can do so via Facebook.

Since my return to Sydney, it had been mostly catching up with Sydney peeps; or i should say more of my foundation school mates. Had been taking it pretty easy since i got back, don't really want anything strenuous to happen prior to the start of Semester 2 at MQ, which is just a day away.

The feeling to be back in Sydney as well as getting back into college life had been a little strange for i guess i had been away for a period of time though not too long but long enough for my body to get use to being home. However, after about a week into it; i am getting my normal routine back. So Praise the Lord as i really need to get myself tune in for classes which begins just 24 hours away.

Hmm... i had my ear pierce over this week haha... it was a daunting experience for me as i had had a bad experience with it when i was younger; that's a long story will not have it written out here. But, manage to get it done using a medically formulated method that claims to be allergy free from nickel etc. so it may do my sensitive sick some good maybe; now that it is done and the gun- shot pain is over, i just need to be very careful in taking care of it to prevent infection!!! Just hope this hole will stay permanent and not just disappear over night again like what happen before.

What else.... hmm... at this stage nothing much other than time to complete all my washings and ironing so that i have clothes to wear over the coming week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Woohoo..... exams are OVER!!!!! it is just so good a feeling. I am so glad that i survive the semester in MQ. I think i when pretty well in 2 of them but as for the rest, i will dare not comment cos it may not be as good. Anyhow, i is over now so ditch it and enjoy my holiday for 1 month!!!!

It haven't been a smooth sailing semester in fact pretty rough but i got to the finishing line still!! i am proud of myself in that sense.

Have got a first aid paper to do on friday though but it should not be that in tense. Will see..... i had a good evening after my exams this day with a farewell party for Jules and Alison at Effie Block.

I am going to miss them both but esp. so for Alison for we had built such a deep relationship with each other; at least that's what i feel and i don't want her to go!!!!!!!!!! However, i know that God has a plan for everyone and it is time for her now to go to the other parts of the world to spread the good news thus, i should be happy about that and giving her the full blessings and support. No matter how far we are, our relationship of Jiejie and Meimei will never fade!!!

I am so high from the party- too much Chocolate but Nina made great hot chocolate- it is so so so delicious!!!! haha..... thanks people for the food and all. It is so good.

Well, i have not much plan for tomorrow other than the night which i will be going over to Xiaoqing place. Haven't got an idea what i will bring over to her place yet, don't want to go empty handed go a chinese family place.

Yep, so i will stop here for now and get some sleep and rest up.

Monday, June 9, 2008

moving on to 21

Hmm.... just another 24 more hours- will be moving on to 21!!!! Time flies indeed- i live through 21 years of my life. I know it is not all that big compared to those who live till a 100 years but every second is just so precious for we never know what will happen next.

As i sit and recap what i have learnt and experience for the past 21 years, it is just so much that i don't think i will be able to have it all recorded down. No doubts that there were extreme moment of pain & sorrows but that all had been covered by time of joy and happiness.
As i move towards my key to freedom (at least in Malaysia where the legal age is 21) i hope to be more mature and sensible in all that i decide and take responsibility for my commitment. It is not so much that i have not already been doing it but more of i have always have it at the back of my head that if things go wrong granny will be there to solve it for me otherwise i will just flight from it.
On this note, there are many who i need to thank through my life in this world- God, Grandma, Mum & Dad, paternal & maternal families members, friends and many others. Everyone of you had played a different role in my life and had given me a new learning experience each time, where ever i am; whenever the time it is. There were times where we don't meet face to face about events but all were well as we talk it through. There were also times of just so much of happiness that i am sure will never be forgotten.
i really want to thank grandma for the last 21 years of care, concern and love- no amount of money will ever be enough to buy it & i just wanted you to know how much i treasure you as a granny, a friend, a mum, a mentor etc. It had been great having you by my side and i hope that you will still be there all way through just like you had always been.
To my dad & mum; thanks so much for being me into this world and giving me the opportunity to know this place. Many things has happened as i grow and among us people come and others move on- but i will always cherish the happy times we had had together as a family.

My ideal aim is to seek for peace and comfort spiritually as well as to find my comfort net to dwell in soon. Other than that will be the well- being of all my friends and family as well as world peace. There is nothing more disheartening that to see the pain that people are suffering.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Woo... noon time- just manage to finish all my i- lecture for STAT 270; which i should have ages ago but due to procrastination it had always been put aside. I am in a way relief that 13 weeks of 3 hours lectures each week is over both physical lecture and i- lecture. Now, hopefully i will be more settled to compile my notes and work my work towards the exams which is just round the corner.
My next aim for this subject is to get m tutorial work as well as any of the uncompleted work over the last 13 weeks completed by this day if not tomorrow. If i do get all the work done even without doing any revision for the finals yet, i will have a treat for myself that is i get to have the rest of Monday that happens to be the AU Queen's Birthday off!!!! But will see to that.
Ok, i better go get some food and then head on for more productive work as i look forward to having dinner with Shanna tonight.

Oh, yes- on this note just wanted to Congratulate Janine, Chris and Daniel on their new addition to the family yesterday!!!! Daniel, you finally have a brother who you can play and have a whale of a time with. Thank God for blessing the family with the newborn and that Janine will be able to get all the rest necessary after 9 months of 'hard work'
P/s: Thanks Alison for dropping the line of Good News. It made my day. :)
Finally, CHN is over for me for this semester Yahoo!!!!!

But, i learn one important lesson unrelated to the subject and that is NEVER to try to do a 13 weeks course in 1.5 days!!! It is crazy- see what happen is i never really turn up much for the lecture which is twice a week on a monday and friday at like 9am- for me it is TOO EARLY hahaa so can't be bothered to go for it and so i when for the revision class in week 13; monday session and friday was the exam- that's today. After monday's class- i had my books in the locker in the uni so i did not have my books at home and was busy with STAT cos that's what is important to me at this stage for it being my major. And then on Thursday mid- morning, it dawn on me that i have got to study for tomorrow's paper; so when to get my books from the lockers and then got it home with the intention to study but what happen was i end up socializing with my college mates and it was only till afternoon that i got the effect of if i don't study i am going to bo so dead the next day!!!! So ya, long story short, i merged the whole course of not knowing anything to trying to get all the information into my HEAD!!!!!!! Not funny at all at the moment but now to think about it i might have just proven it is possible bu will never do that again!!! It is a killer to my precious brain cell.

Hmm... some of my classmates did ask if i will do further CHN- my answer i guess is it will depend on my results this time- if i get a positive results that pleasent me i will continue if not then maybe will head towards other like JPN or something cos it is only an elective to me not a core.
When to have japanese food with Jono this day; it was good and did some shopping as well- thx johnny for coming down to mq this day even though you could choose not too; appreciate that.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Boo... sorry for MIA- was really stressed and not well physically as well. It had been a pretty rough for the month of May- i guess with all the assignments due and my health is not at the best it kinds of add on above all others.

Finally, i can offically claim i completed all my assignments for both the theology and university aspect for the semester!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! all good. Hopefully, now that workload in terms of assignment is gone that i will be in better shape as i work towards my final exam as well as in preparation for SIBT orientation 200802.

On this note- i want to sincerely apologize to all my buddies who had been trying to get hold on me for the past few weeks. It had been a rather demanding period so hope to get all your understanding. As for those who had been supporting and encouraging me as i walk my journey through- thanks so much, i really appreciate it.

Lots of thanks goes out to Alison; you have been a great mentor, big sister & a buddy. Even though you were all packed up with your assignments- you still took your precious time out to help me and guide me along the way.

Well- that's about all for now got to prepare for an oral exam and then will be able to wait in anticipation as my 21st arrive.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Friday; Saturday

It was a working Friday night & Saturday morning for me!!!! lol... not easy- on of the worse night in this job so far but interesting i guess at least i was not at all bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, after the Friday night's work- john and me decided to spend the rest of the evening together with Brenden. I was great- John drove me up to Dural & we met Brenden there. My first trip up to Dural so it was fun even though i did not get up and around the entire place in terms of exploration; p/s: i really must say this john is a directory dictionary- not just good in locating places but can tell you all about the area as well- it was good knowledge.
Oh yes, along the way we stopped by John's church. He wanted to show me his church it is a Catholic Church- Lebanese called Maronite Catholic Church. It was interesting getting a tour about it during the night and for a fact that i haven't been into a Cathedral before and what more one filled with Lebanese atmosphere. Something diff rent from AOG churches. Very formal & traditional i must say. Short time spend there but an eye opener to me.
After we met with Brenden, decided finally to have Pizza for dinner- this decision was made by tossing a coin~ none of us could make up our mind. So, we headed for Cristina's Pizzeria @ Dural. We had it take away and ended up in Brenden's house as it was the closes. It was by then about 9ish and we are only having dinner. Eat, chat and just talk about all our past funny stories from Elementary, Middle & High School- it was just mad laughing going on for like an hour which i was sure Brenden's mum was trying so hard to sleep but she still did not stop us from having a whale of a time- it was fun fun fun.
Well, yes that was my Friday evening- only got home about 11 to 12ish and struggled to finish my task and get prepared for this morning work. It was tiring this morning not just from a lack of sleep but with heaps of running around to do.
After working this day- when over to the library and attempted to study did like 30% of what i planned to do the rest of the time was more of procrastinating and spending time socializing haa--- Susan always have interesting "story" to update me.
Yep, that's about my life for the Friday and sat.
Tomorrow- well, not here yet so i have yet to plan but i know studies will be on the list as i have got 8 more assignments and 2 more mid term test due prior to the finals.